An Entrepreneurial Role Model

Hind is a Palestinian woman who is one of the most respected beekeepers in her village. Even when hardship hits, her determination and can-do spirit have kept her striving for success. But before Hind participated in NEF’s Palestinian Women’s Microenterprise Development program, there was only one income for a household of seven. Now, there are two.

In January, Hind used an NEF grant to buy five beehives to start a small microenterprise business. Unfortunately, as soon as she began to see positive results, a strong snowstorm swept through the Palestinian Territories, destroying two of Hind’s beehives and leaving destruction in its wake. The two ruined beehives proved a major loss, and Hind now had to decide whether to continue her business with the three remaining beehives, or focus her energy on a solution that would position her even stronger than before.

Choosing the second option, Hind concentrated her efforts on dividing the three beehives to cultivate six thriving ones. The creativity she demonstrated is part of the reason Hind is seen as one of the most successful beekeepers in her village. In fact, during NEF’s Beekeeping Workshop in September, the attendees marveled at how Hind had gone from five beehives, to three, to fifteen! Because of her ability to overcome adversity, she was recognized as a role model for other women entrepreneurs and honored for her ingenuity in not only reviving her business, but also improving it.  Hind is not finished, however. Her next goal is to take care of a large apiary.

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