Empowering Women for Over a Century – International Women’s Day 2017

Today, on International Women’s Day, we celebrate women and girls and how supporting their advancement positively impacts our society and our future. 

As women assume increasing economic responsibility throughout the Middle East and Africa, they continue to face hurdles not confronted by men. Women must overcome social barriers, limited job skills, a lack of experience in business management, and restricted access to capital. In partnership with local community organizations, NEF aims to improve the economic independence and social resilience of vulnerable women (including rural and urban poor, heads of households, widows, refugees, and victims of domestic violence) through entrepreneurship, microcredit, and peer networks that provide business mentoring and social support.

Donate today to support NEF’s initiatives to economically empower women and girls.

Watch the videos below to see NEF’s work to support women in action:

Empowering Women in Lebanon
Gardening in Tiécouaré: Women take the Lead
Empowering Women in Armenia
NEF Partners: Khadija, West Bank
NEF Partners: Lutfiyeh, Jordan
 Dalia: Displaced from Iraq since 2007

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