Resilient Food Systems

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Food systems are complex networks that include everything associated with the production of food. This includes the environment where the food is grown or collected, the process by which the food is produced, and what happens after the food is ready for consumption.  

There are several challenges that can undermine successful food production and negatively impact agricultural livelihoods, like climate change, conflict, unreliable agriculture production and market insecurity.  

Near East Foundation works with smallholder farmers, fishers, herders, and agribusinesses to introduce sustainable production practices, technologies and innovations with climate change in mind. Approaches vary depending on the needs of the individuals and communities but often result in improved processing, storage, and seeds so people can overcome (and be more resilient to) vulnerable to shocks and stresses. 

NEF supports communities in building resilience and safeguarding food security and agricultural livelihoods. These initiatives help smallholders transition from subsistence practices to adopting more sustainable, market-linked and climate-adaptive strategies that positively impact their wealth and well-being.