NEF and UNDP Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Develop Innovative Joint Responses to Protracted Crisis in the Arab Region

Date: February 12, 2024

AMMAN, JORDAN – Near East Foundation (NEF) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Regional Bureau for Arab States (RBAS) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to expand collaboration in developing programming opportunities and new funding mechanisms to support forcibly displaced people and host communities, particularly in countries affected by the Syria Crisis.

The agreement between NEF and UNDP aims to identify areas of joint programming to promote income generation, self-reliance, livelihoods, and social protection for forcibly displaced people and host communities and mobilize funding through outcomes-based and alternative funding approaches.

Thirteen years into the Syria crisis, protracted displacement remains significant against a worsening socio-economic context and emerging crises in the region. As evidenced in the 3RP Regional Strategic Overview for 2024, needs have never been higher among refugees and host communities as the region grapples with growing poverty, high unemployment, widespread forced displacement, and new crises.

“Creative funding is crucial for tackling evolving financial challenges and crises in the Arab region and globally. Our partnership with NEF marks a significant step toward improving the lives of forcibly displaced people and their host communities,” said Abdallah Al Dardari, regional director, Regional Bureau for Arab States, UNDP.

“The MoU with UNDP marks an important step in promoting innovative and sustainable responses to protracted crises, including through the crowding-in of private sector and non-traditional actors. NEF has pioneered sustainable responses to displacement for over a century and is delighted to further develop its partnership with UNDP,” said John Ashby, NEF president.

About Sub-Regional Response Facility

UNDP Sub-Regional Response Facility (SRF) has been the driving force for UNDP’s support of a robust and dynamic resilience-based development response to the protracted Syria crisis and mainstreaming into the Regional Refugee & Resilience Plan (3RP) and country-response plans.

About Near East Foundation

NEF, established in 1915, pioneers innovative financing and programming solutions in support of livelihoods recovery and community-based economic development and is delivering the first development impact bond in Jordan and the first refugee impact bond globally (including ~USD 10m of investment and ~USD 12m of outcome financing) to promote economic development within displacement-affected communities.

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