
Access to Essential Services

Using technical expertise and tested approaches to address the challenges of inadequate WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), protection, psychosocial and mental health services to conflict-affected communities

Peace Building Through Cooperation

Developing and employing participatory approaches to collaboratively manage natural resources and engage in cooperative value chain development

Resilient Food Systems

Working with smallholder farmers, fishers, herders, and agribusinesses to introduce sustainable production practices, technologies and innovations with climate change in mind

Nature-based Solutions and Innovations

Helping to restore, protect, and sustainably manage natural resources that serve as the foundation for economic, social, and ecological well-being and resilience

Green Economies

Fostering sustainable economic growth while prioritizing the well-being of people and the planet

Locally-led Climate Adaptation

Supporting communities, civil society organizations and local governments with integrating climate risk management into community development plans and resource management

Innovative Financing

Establishing partnerships to create untraditional and innovative approaches to financing and diversifying funding

Strengthening Market Systems

Activating systemic change throughout the market system to meet needs and facilitate inclusive economic and social development

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