

Millions of Iraqis need humanitarian and long-term development assistance following decades of conflict and displacement.

In 2019, NEF undertook the historic step of establishing an office in Iraq to deliver programming focused on long-term capacity building and livelihood recovery. NEF is registered and fully operational in the Republic of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. An Iraq-based team is responsible for project implementation, and the US-, UK- and Amman-based teams offer support with technical, financial and compliance needs.

Our work focuses on adapting our successful Siraj model to build livelihood resilience within the Iraq context. Through our established Siraj centers (community-based livelihood support hubs), our programs offer opportunities for vulnerable communities to build business and technical skills, address critical gaps in human capacity, provide access to capital, and access integrated services.

As Iraq transitions from active conflict, expanding economic opportunities - especially for women and young people - will accelerate recovery and enable safe, dignified and voluntary returns to Iraq or to other home countries.